Because black hair deserves only the best.

Tips to help keep your hair healthy and beautiful between salon visits.

Aloe vera, a succulent plant, has been known to hydrate and nourish the scalp and stimulate hair growth.  Though scientific evidence is limited, studies have proven that aloe vera has been used worldwide for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.  Apply a small amount of gel (about 1 teaspoonful) to the affected area, such as a thinning hairline or bald spot, as needed.  Preferably, you should use the aloe vera gel fresh from the plant, but you can also purchase the gel from a health or beauty store.

The best way to strengthen hair follicles, promote hair growth, and reduce dry skin and dandruff is to increase the blood circulation to your scalp.  You can achieve this by massaging your scalp with your fingertips for a few minutes a day.  Reach from underneath you hair as if you were washing it, and move your fingers in a circular motion.  Apply enough pressure to move the skin surface, and make sure to give attention to every area of the scalp.  Incorporating a couple drops of essential oil such as lavender, ylang ylang, and cedarwood will further stimulate your scalp and make your massage more healthful and relaxing.

A hair strand consists of three layers.  The cuticle is the outer layer--this layer has an average of three to ten layers that should be tightly packed together.  Proper moisturizing and conditioning are important to strengthen and protect the cuticle layers.  The cortex is the next layer under the cuticle--this layer determines your natural hair color and is where all permanent chemical changes (relaxers, hair dye) take place.  The medulla is the inner most layer--this protein layer is hollow, and the cuticle and cortex layers shape around it.  Most hair damage occurs in the cuticle layer and in extreme cases, the damage can reach the cortex and medulla.  Knowing and understanding the layers of a hair strand can help you make healthier choices for your hair.

Never wear a hairstyle that causes any kind of pain or discomfort to your hair or scalp.  Avoid heavy accessories, tight ponytails, tight braids, or tight anything.  Any style that pulls the scalp or puts stress on the hairline is not the right style for you.  Wearing the wrong hairstyle can lead to headaches, tension bumps, hair loss, thinning and irreparable damage--it's not worth it.  Be comfortable and always choose hair and scalp friendly styles.
